The progressive decrease of the disease that followed introduction of Jenner's vaccine in various European countries during the 19th century appeared to be the most persuasive evidence that vaccination was effective in preventing smallpox. However, in 1967, when the WHO started the intensified smallpox eradication programme, some 10 to 15 million cases were still occurring annually in more than 30 endemic countries worldwide (Fenner 1988). A decade later, smallpox had totally disappeared. This was mainly attributed to the vaccine, but, in hindsight, one might ask to what extent the three main constituents of the programme (vaccination, containment, and surveillance) as well as other factors such as better life quality and hygiene contributed to the elimination of the disease.
Public reassurance that “studies have not found ovarian failure to be associated with HPV vaccination” in the absence of sound research may be harmful to vaccine confidence.
Premature ovarian insufficiency has serious health implications. A Swedish study of 22 000 postmenopausal women suggests those entering menopause aged 40 to 45 years have a 40% increased risk of cardiac failure than those entering menopause at age 50 to 54 years.
しかし米国は、まったく違います。これはそれを如実に示す例ですが、アメリカの医療専門誌である“New England Journal of Medicine”の1999年6月17日付け記事で、「1997年の1年間でNSAIDs(非ステロイド系消炎鎮痛剤)による変形性関節症とリウマチ患者の死者は16,500人、重度の胃腸障害者数は100,300人に達する。」と報じました。米国の食品医薬品局は、これだけの被害者が全米で出ているのにもかかわらず、放置していたのです。食品医薬品局は大手製薬会社に支配されているから、大手製薬会社の利益を図るために、多くの人を見殺しにしたとさえ言われています。
Among thimerosal-exposed monkeys, total mercury in blood declined rapidly between doses, and the researchers estimated clearance to be 5.4-fold higher than in the methylmercury group. In the thimerosal group, the half-life of total mercury in blood was 6.9 days, compared to 19.1 days for the methylmercury group. -(中略)- Brain concentrations of total mercury were approximately 3–4 times lower in the thimerosal group than in the methylmercury group, and total mercury cleared more rapidly in the thimerosal group (with a half-life of 24.2 days versus 59.5 days).
However, the proportion of inorganic mercury in the brain was much higher in the thimerosal group (21–86% of total mercury) compared to the methylmercury group (6–10%). Brain concentrations of inorganic mercury were approximately twice as high in the thimerosal group compared to the methylmercury group. Inorganic mercury remains in the brain much longer than organic mercury, with an estimated half-life of more than a year. It’s not currently known whether inorganic mercury presents any risk to the developing brain.
この論文の前書き部分に、「米国では新生児が生まれてから2年の間に、20回もの予防接種を受ける可能性がある。(During their first two years, children in the United States may receive more than 20 routine vaccinations.)と記述されています。つまり米国では赤ちゃんは、平均で約36日毎に次から次へとチメロサール入りのワクチンを接種され、赤ちゃんの脳内の無機水銀濃度がどんどん上昇していた可能性があるわけです。